Articles, new releases & other stories

Our font licensing model explained

Retail font update
New styles for Bw Darius
Bw Notepads 2023

New font release
Bw Fusiona workhorse font system

New font release
Modern decadence with Bw Pose

Alberto Romanos imagine l’avenir des fontes variables

New font release
New font release: Bw Seido Raw

New font release
It’s serif time! Bw Beto font family

New font release
Introducing the Bw Aleta font family

New font release
New Bw Seido Round font family

Alberto Romanos: «La tipografía desaparecerá el día en que consigamos transmitir mensajes en forma de pensamiento puro»

New font release
Meet Bw Vivant: a stylish & minimal typeface

TYPO Labs 2018 & the future of fonts

2017 Branding with Type review

Branding with Type font catalogue

New font release
Bw Nista font family. A grotesque release

New font release
Bw Modelica goes pan-European

New font release
New Bw Helder font system: 6 weights x 3 widths

New font release
The Bw Darius family grows

G is for fonts & letterpress notepads

New font release
Welcome our new geometric font family: Bw Gradual

New font release
Bw Glenn Slab & Bw Glenn Sans

Free trial fonts

The 2016 font year is coming to and end. Gear up for 2017

New font release
Extending the Bw Modelica font family

A simpler (and better) font license

New font release
Bw Mitga font family gets new styles

Bw Modelica, de Alberto Romanos. Una tipografía de fondo de armario

New font release
Please welcome the opulent Bw Darius

New font release
Full free demo font for Bw Surco

New font release
Bw Stretch. New font release

Limited edition, hand-printed specimen